Leaky Gut Product Buyer’s Guide (updated September 2024)

How To Find A Leaky Gut Product That Really Works!

  Sally Harper
  Senior Editor
  Health & Wellness Advice

As Leaky Gut Syndrome is slowly gaining more recognition as a common medical condition that affects millions of people, manufacturers are crawling out of the woodwork to create leaky gut supplements that they claim are the best on the market or the most effective. Oftentimes, unfortunately, they even manipulate the facts to claim that their product is the #1 choice to help people alleviate the challenging symptoms associated with this health condition. 

These wild claims are often not backed up with scientific support or any real explanations as to why they have formulated their version of a leaky gut product in the way that they have or how exactly they work!  

It can be beyond confusing for consumers, often left not knowing which products are worth buying and which are worthless fakes. We felt it was time to carefully examine some of the products available, to discover more about which ones may be telling the truth and those that clearly you need to stay away from.

6 Things To Look Out For In An Effective Leaky Gut Supplement

  • It should contain Berberine together with BioPerine® for an optimal bioavailable antimicrobial effect to help protect the gut.
  • It should contain at least 3 of the 4 main herbs to help protect the intestinal lining of the gut. These include Aloe Vera, Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm and Licorice.
  • It should contain Acacia fiber which acts as a prebiotic to help balance the bacteria in the gut.
  • It should contain at least 600 mg L-glutamine, an essential amino acid for supporting intestinal lining repair and strengthening.
  • It should contain Quercetin and Turmeric which work synergistically with Berberine to provide the ultimate antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory support.
  • It must be 100% pure and natural with no unnecessary ingredients that might reduce the overall effectiveness of the product and that can be used safely for the long term.

What We Uncovered

Immediately, we were able to spot those that were simply out to make a quick return and cash in on the latest health trend versus the products that we consider to be both high quality and effective with positive results.

  1. In short, many of the leaky gut supplements do not contain ingredients that have been shown to get great results such as Berberine, BioPerine®, Quercetin and Turmeric or have any scientific or clinical support as to why they are added.
  2. What’s more, they often include unnecessary ingredients by adding a proprietary blend that provides no benefit whatsoever as it weakens the formula. Some formulas do not contain the same potency as they claim on their labels with many companies even hiding their labels or supplement facts to prevent consumers from better understanding what is contained in the formulas.

This is disheartening and quite frankly, misleading. Some companies think that by sticking a label on their bottle with the words, ‘Leaky Gut Supplement’, without even stating exactly what is inside each pill and why certain ingredients have been added or not, is enough for consumers to want to buy their products, which is simply wrong.

Our Research

Our research identified key areas that we felt raised concerns when purchasing a leaky gut supplement. With so many products out there, we felt that we needed clear parameters as to what to look out for when investing in a leaky gut product.

  • Will it be effective? This is perhaps the main concern for consumers, after all, why waste your money on something that is useless? Unfortunately, there are many products that simply don’t work, which is a real concern for many potential buyers. Consumers need to be aware that there is a precise science in creating an effective formula.
  • Will it be too expensive for me to purchase? Our research uncovered many manufacturers selling leaky gut products for well over $100. People often think that by paying more, they will get better quality. This is not always the case. Don’t risk your hard-earned money on something that has a price which is over inflated and unrealistic.  
  • Is the company open and transparent? For you to understand whether a company is simply exploiting the latest trends, or whether the manufacturer is all talk and no action, you need to be consumer savvy in order to establish which are the best companies to purchase products from and which ones to skip. This means manufacturers have to be transparent and open, providing you with as much information and guidance as they can.

Finding Effective, Quality Leaky Gut Supplements?

There are several key elements to look out for that can pretty much guarantee the product’s authenticity.

  1. Monitoring By A Third Party: There are organizations that will independently monitor and track the reputation of a company and assess their customer satisfaction levels. A company’s reputation is incredibly important within the health industry, make sure you select a top provider, one that has an impeccable reputation and one that is backed by an independent third-party monitoring organization.
  2. 100% Money-Back Guarantee: Many companies offer you a money-back guarantee if their products do not bring the results that you are looking for. Some are better than others. Choose a company who has a solid satisfaction guarantee. A strong guarantee demonstrates the confidence that manufacturers have in their products and the results you will experience.
  3. External Testing: This is not the same as a monitoring company. Third-party testing substantiates and verifies the quality of the manufacturer’s product. It can be very expensive for manufacturers to undertake and even disqualify entire shipments of products that don’t reach the correct standards. That said, when manufacturers don’t have independent quality control and testing, there is no way of knowing if their products are effective, or even safe.

Research On Leaky Gut Products

Thorough research takes time and money, which most people don’t have an endless supply of. So we did the work for you, saving you both. We researched numerous leaky gut supplements to ascertain an in-depth analysis of what is out there on the market.  

To determine those products that we could rate as beneficial, we looked to see if they contained the correct ingredients, how potent they were and their grade of purity. We eliminated products that we found to contain synthetic fillers, unnecessary ingredients, and useless proprietary blends.

However, we didn’t stop there. We understand that facts and figures don’t always tell the whole story. So, we looked for real consumers who had purchased and used the products and asked them for their feedback. Their testimonials helped us to establish a list of the best possible products currently available on the market.

Our Research Results

An effective leaky gut supplement should contain top quality, clinically proven ingredients in significantly potent doses for optimal effect. Berberine together with the bioavailability agent BioPerine® creates a powerful antimicrobial element which absorbs quicker and more efficiently for faster results. Other key ingredients include Licorice, Aloe Vera, Marshmallow and Slippery Elm that combine to protect the lining of the gut, making it stronger and less permeable to ensure symptoms are minimized.

One of the main ingredients that should be included in a top quality leaky gut supplement is L-glutamine. Based on our research, this key amino acid plays a significant role in the absorption and digestion of molecules effortlessly. The most effective dosage is at least 600 mg per daily serving to ensure great results. Quercetin and Turmeric are also vital additions as they both contain high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which contribute to improved gut health and healthy digestive tract.

Most products failed to pass our specific criteria.

There are some manufacturers who actually include some good ingredients in their formulas, however, fail when they weaken the potency by adding an unnecessary blend of useless ingredients. Other manufacturers simply failed by using a weaker potency of certain ingredients than what has been proven effective in scientific studies. Others filled their pills with binders, additives or preservatives. All but a few of them avoided quality control testing.

We are very confident in the brands that we did pick. Given our stringent parameters and reasons for choosing our top products, we are sure our top picks will help you achieve the results you are looking for.

Why Did We Select Our #1 Choice As Our Top Leaky Gut Product?

Our top pick not only met all of our strict criteria for a quality leaky gut supplement, but it also beat it!

Look at what it contains:

  • A trademarked blend of Berberine combined with BioPerine® for an optimal bioavailable antimicrobial effect to help protect the gut.
  • All 4 main herbs to protect the intestinal lining of the gut. These include, Aloe Vera, Marshmallow root, Slippery Elm and Licorice.
  • Acacia fiber which acts as a prebiotic to help balance the bacteria in the gut.
  • 600 mg L-glutamine per daily serving, an essential amino acid for intestinal lining repair and strengthening.
  • Quercetin and Turmeric which work synergistically with Berberine providing the ultimate antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory support.

Our Top Leaky Gut Product Choices

Our top choice stands above and beyond the competition, we think you will agree. The company’s excellent reputation, top quality product, external independent monitoring, and testing, coupled with an incredible money-back guarantee policy, makes this an undoubted solid pick for our #1 choice.

Rating: Excellent


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Editor’s Choice

Gutsyl Review

If cramping, bloating and extreme fatigue caused by leaky gut are affecting your daily routine, then Gutsyl is something that deserves your undivided attention. Of all the leaky gut supplements available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look and very likely, the one that will change your quality of life!

It contains the highest quality, clinically proven ingredients for addressing the root cause of leaky gut syndrome to strengthen the protective lining of the gut, balance bacteria and aid absorption. Each ingredient was handpicked and was the only product we found that contains a trademarked bioavailable high absorption Berberine (MicrobiSci™) for maximum antioxidant protection, as well as all four ingredients known to protect and soothe intestinal lining: Marshmallow, Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm and Licorice. These are included in clinically proven potencies and amounts. It also contains Turmeric and Quercetin for added anti-inflammatory support as well as Acacia fiber for bacterial balance. Moreover, it contains a potent 600 mg of L-glutamine, a crucial amino acid known to support intestinal lining repair.

Quality: Gutsyl contains high grade, 100% natural, clinically verified ingredients that are GMP certified.

Reputation: Their reputation is top quality. This manufacturer has several third party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.

Money-Back Guarantee: Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show a strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers.

What’s more, they are well known in the industry and are an established company that provides great customer support service, secure and easy checkout as well as prompt, efficient delivery.

Their commitment to the health industry and consumers is excellent, providing further qualification of efficacy by producing their products in an FDA registered laboratory.

If you are looking for a product that ticks all the boxes for an effective solution to relieve symptoms of leaky gut, from an established reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, this is the supplement for you.

It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Gutsyl is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.

See the full review


Rating: Good



Carlyle Leaky Gut Support

Carlyle promises top quality natural ingredients combined with the most innovative technology available to overcome the challenging symptoms associated with leaky gut. This is one of the few formulas we found that contains many of the ingredients that have been clinically researched to be effective for leaky gut syndrome. The ingredients are clearly listed along with the amounts allowing full transparency to the consumers. However we did have some issues with this product including a lack of some obvious ingredients which should be included as well as the absence of a ‘no satisfaction’ money-back guarantee.

With ingredients such as L-glutamine – an essential amino acid reputable for its benefits in supporting the intestinal lining, Aloe Vera, Marshmallow, Licorice and Slippery Elm – the four main herbs known to enhance protection and repair of the lining in the GI tract as well as Turmeric – a well-known anti-inflammatory crucial for strengthening the digestive system, Carlyle is on its way to a winning formula to combat leaky gut syndrome. We always appreciate a brand that uses clinically researched ingredients in its formula. Unfortunately there are some essential ingredients missing in this formulation such as Berberine and BioPerine®, a crucial bioavailable feature that enhances absorption and antimicrobial effect for faster results. In addition, it does not contain Acacia Fiber which is known for its prebiotic effect to help balance the bacteria in the gut.

When reviewing this product we were surprised at the low price tag which albeit appealing, usually indicates a low quality product which was a red flag for us. We were also disappointed not to find any reviews whatsoever from actual consumers. We would have liked to get a better indication of whether this product works for customers or not. We were surprised at the lack of customer reviews considering that this product is supposed to be made with such high quality ingredients at such a low cost.

Another disappointment is the lack of a satisfaction guarantee which leaves us wondering how effective the product actually is if the manufacturer doesn’t back up his own product. There is no direct site to purchase the supplement from, so the return guarantee is via the third party website this item is sold on, which is a standard 30-day return guarantee for unopened products. All in all this product has some positive features which is why we picked it as our second choice. Read our full review to find out more.

Click here to read the full review


Rating: OK




Amen Leaky Gut

Amen Leaky Gut claims to provide a high level of excellence in their supplements, constantly innovating their products with new ingredients. Their approach combines age-old techniques together with a more modern approach. But is this enough to convince us to try Amen Leaky Gut out? We like that this product contains ingredients that combat inflammation usually associated with leaky gut (Turmeric, Ginger), the bacterial imbalance in the digestive tract (the probiotic blend) as well as ingredients to help protect and strengthen the intestinal lining (Marshmallow and Licorice).

We like that this company is dedicated to its customers to improve their overall wellness and we can see that in the quality of ingredients used in the formula for Amen Leaky Gut. However, they did come up short in a number of ways. As L-glutamine is such an essential ingredient, we were surprised that they only added 300 mg per daily serving. We were also surprised that the manufacturer added only Licorice and Marshmallow without including Aloe Vera and Slippery Elm as these ingredients all work synergistically together to create a stronger and more protective intestinal layer.

While there are many positive reviews online, there are some that claim this product didn’t work for them at all. While it is natural that not all supplements will work for every person, it is the reason that we usually look for a satisfaction guarantee to ensure that customers don’t feel cheated when they try out a new supplement that doesn’t work for them. 

Click here to read the full review

What You’ll Discover:

Which Leaky Gut Product is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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